Saturday, April 25, 2015

Foods that help burn fat and build muscle.

1- Egg whites
Contains a high protein, low calorie, it is free of cholesterol and fat, rich in amino acids which stimulate the metabolism of the body, and because it is rich in vitamin riboflavin ', otherwise known as vitamin B2, which helps burn fat and carbohydrates and proteins.
2- Chicken
Eat 3-4 servings a week helps to avoid iron deficiency, which may slow down the metabolic system, as it contains vitamin B5, which has the effect of calming the nerves, so the chicken can help build muscle also reduced fat and protein.
3- Brown rice
Of the most important types of whole grains that take more effort in the digestion of processed grains and therefore help the body burn more fat, and rich in proteins, thiamin, calcium, magnesium, fiber, potassium and unlike white rice which causes obesity.
Finally, we must not forget that water is one of the most important factors for fat burning and keeps the body moist, drinking water increases metabolic rates by 30, and fluid balance in the body, which helps in digestion and ease the transfer of nutrients to the body, and helps to continue the sport activity successfully, because the muscles when you lose the water feel fatigue and weakness must compensate the water lost in sweat drink additional quantities, and continue to work successfully.

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